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I’m a mindset coach specializing in the perfectionist mindset. I know a lot about perfectionism, and that’s mostly because I consider myself a perfectionist. I used to be a mega-people pleaser, I used to fear judgement about every little thing I did and I used to feel paralyzed with fear at the idea of pursuing my dreams. All this amounted to me feeling like I was stopping myself from accomplishing anything actually meaningful ~ I was very much getting in my own way.

I am a firm believer that we have absolute control over our internal experience, and that perfectionists are far too hard on ourselves. But we don’t know any better.. so we stay stuck, we doubt ourselves and we make ourselves miserable. My diving into personal development and mindset I have grown into a better version of me & now I’m here to help you do the same.

You can read my blog, check out my free resources and read all about my coaching program designed specifically for perfectionists!

