6-week Private Coaching Program

I help perfectionists learn to love their authentic selves, so they can stop people pleasing, stop feeling inadequate and can get out of their own way.

What if you could easily love your true self?

You Can!

Does any of this sound familiar?

You are obsessed with listening to personal growth podcasts, watching motivational speakers and reading self-help books but haven’t been able to apply it all to your life. You hide your love of personal development because: what will people think?  You should have your sh*t together already.

You jump out of bed each morning and frantically scroll through your calendar. You feel a little overwhelmed at how many things you have to do, but you also secretly love being so busy and productive.  On other days you cannot get yourself out of bed feeling paralyzed at the thought of having to be productive today.

You have good intentions and start many habits, but quickly ditch them due to not having enough time or energy. You spend all your time doing what others want you to do, so don’t have time for all the things you want to do.  You like to be agreeable and helpful so that you feel like you belong and are appreciated, but sometimes you end up resentful of them.

At the end of the day you feel guilty for not accomplishing all your “to-dos” or following through on your good intentions. In other words, you’re a high achiever and want to do a lot of things, but you’re struggling to follow through and aren’t always true to yourself

Imagine if you could…

  • feel peaceful

    Wake up each morning with a big stretch & feeling excited for the day ahead.

  • be consistent

    Create good habits that ground you and support the life you want to live.

  • Prioritize You

    Ditch people pleasing and truly prioritize yourself.

  • feel fulfilled

    Go to sleep feeling full-filled by what you accomplished today.

  • Use Boundaries

    Stop feeling resentful of others and build relationships where you feel appreciated

My name is Maggie and I am a mindset coach. 

I help perfectionists learn to love themselves by living more authentic lives. 

Many people don’t realize that people pleasing, all-or-nothing working and not feeling good enough are due to having a perfectionist mindset. 

Coaching can help!  By targeting your mindset you can restructure your life in a way that feels authentic to you and your ambitions.  All without being overwhelmed or burning out.


My Story

I used to jump out of bed each morning, anxious to prove myself and start being productive ASAP.  On other days I couldn’t get myself out of bed and felt paralyzed at the thought of having to be productive today. I had good intentions and started many habits, but quickly ditched them due to not having enough motivation. I people pleased so that I felt like I belonged and was appreciated, but ended up just being resentful. At the end of the day I felt so guilty for not accomplishing all my “to-dos” or following through on my good intentions.

I would go to bed vowing to myself that tomorrow is going to be different because I am going to BE better, but then I woke up again anxious to prove myself.

I dove into the world of personal development and quickly found out that I lacked a lot of self-love and that I was a perfectionist.  All these things I was doing to side-rail my dreams were just sneaky ways I was practicing perfectionism.  I spent a lot of time and energy re-writing my perfectionist mindset so it wasn’t so debilitating. Mindset work changed so much for me.  Now I have healthy habits, wake up ready to seize the day and go to sleep feeling fulfilled. 

And.. it’s now my mission to help as many people overcome their perfectionist mindset as I can. I help my clients ditch their perfectionist mindset, become more growth minded so they can achieve their goals with ease and truly learn to love themselves. 


Taking the “woo-woo” out of personal growth.

I’m a trained scientist and this means that I love to get elbow deep in the research. I teach tools that are proven to work. Mindset training can be a bit abstract, BUT with me it’s not “woo-woo”. With a masters in science I’m determined to find the research that supports true personal growth so we can become our best selves the well-proven way.


Perfectionist to prosperous

  • A 6-week coaching program designed to help you stop people pleasing and feeling inadequate, so you can finally get out of their own way and achieve your true potential.

    Perfectionist to Prosperous is based on my 3-step method to get you out of your perfectionist mindset so you can get out of your own way and become more true to yourself.

  • Step 1: Expose Perfectionism

    No matter how self-aware you are, we will discover how perfectionism shows up most painfully for you & the reasons why you rely on perfectionism so much.

  • Step 2: Set Boundaries

    Most perfectionists are people pleasers who prioritize everyone else before themselves, this means that setting boundaries with others is a crucial step. BUT setting boundaries with ourselves is even more important. These boundaries are customized to each client, but generally involve how you treat yourself and actions you take to prioritize your wellbeing.

  • Step 3: Love & Prioritize Yourself

    You now know what you need to do and this is where you practice doing it. What does self love look like to you? Are there still beliefs holding you back from being your most authentic self?

    You will learn self-compassion and true self-acceptance so you no longer have to rely on perfectionism to allow you to feel loved and accepted.

  • What's included

    6 x 1-hour 1:1 coaching sessions (via Zoom) so you get personalized support

    24/7 access via instant messaging so you feel supported in between our sessions (it’s like having a coach in your back pocket)

  • Extra Bonuses

    Coach’s notes: my notes on the session & a summary of what was discussed so that you can make the most of our sessions

    Audio Recording of each session to re-listen to whenever you wish

    Personalized journaling activities and other tools to use between sessions to maximize your progress

Investment: $399 USD

Imagine what your life could look like 2 months from now. If you are ready to leave perfectionism behind and discover what true self-love feels like, apply or 1:1 coaching.



you are driven by achievement and care too much about what people think

you hate criticism and love praise from others

you often don’t feel “good enough” and are unsure what that even means

you think you are too busy and overwhelmed with commitments, but still can’t say no

you are intrigued by personal growth & development but are unsure where to start

you have 1 hour per week to commit to mindset work with me & 1-2 hours to take action outside of our meetings

What my clients are saying

Wondering what coaching looks like?

We start by taking a deep dive into your experiences, beliefs, thoughts & feelings to figure out where you are at. We then work on your mindset so that you can have better experiences, more empowering beliefs and more helpful thoughts and feelings.

You can expect to come out of a coaching session with more self awareness, the mindset shifts you need to focus on and the tools to cement them into your life.

Coaching gives an outside perspective on your personal growth journey that accelerates your evolution towards the best version of you.

NEXT STEP: book a FREE discovery call

This is a chance to get to know each other, for me to answer your questions and to see if we are a good fit. By booking this call, you’re not committing yourself to anything – it’s simply an expression of interest and I’ll always share with you if I think we are a good fit to work together.

 Any Questions?

If you have any questions about this program but don’t want to book a call you can fill out the form below. I will get back to you ASAP with any answers I can provide.